Khanh Linh Pham's Profile Picture

Hello, I'm Khali.

I'm a business information systems student from Berlin, passionate about digitalization and innovation. Thank you for taking the time to visit!

Scrum Project: Medibot autonomous robot

Developed an autonomous robot with my software engineering course. As part of the app creation team, we used Python's Tkinter to create a desktop app sending and receiving requests from the robot. Connected the app to the robot using ROS nodes.

Web Development: Portfolio Creation

Contributed to a Full Stack job searching website project, leveraging Python, SQLite, HTML, CSS, and Flask. Collaborated in designing a user-friendly interface emphasizing form-based portfolio creation.

Android Development: Budgeting App

Created an Android budget management app utilizing Java and Firebase, featuring user accounts, budget creation, expense tracking, and budget-exceeding notifications for an effective financial management.

Machine Learning: Passenger Satisfaction

Employed Python to construct a machine learning model aimed at predicting airline passenger satisfaction.

About me

I am a 20-year-old student majoring in Business Information Technology at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, with a strong interest in the field of IT. I have practical experience in programming languages such as Java and Python, as well as proficiency in HTML, CSS, and database management, particularly in the context of business applications. My most recent work experience was a six-month internship at the VR/AR department at BMW Group.

My Journey

During my academic journey, I have been actively involved in various group projects. My university places a strong emphasis on practical learning, and each project resembles a scrum meeting where organizational skills play a crucial role. I have opted to complete my degree in the minimum required time, which has required me to manage multiple projects concurrently. This experience has significantly contributed to the development of my organizational skills.

What Sets Me Apart

What sets me apart is my genuine enthusiasm for learning. Whether it involves studying new (coding) languages, immersing myself in diverse cultures, or pursuing personal interests, I am driven by my passion for gaining new knowledge and acquiring new skills. Outside of my studies, I dedicate my free time to exploring a wide range of interests, including languages, random trivia, playing musical instruments, and experimenting with cooking. My ability to quickly adapt and tackle challenges is a valuable asset I bring to every project.

My Resume & Contact

Below, you can access my resume on Google Drive for a formal summary of this portfolio, detailing my experiences and skills. On the right-hand side, you'll find my contact information. Feel free to reach out with any questions.